Thursday, September 8, 2016

How To Market My Business With YT Advantage

How To Market My Business With YT Advantage – Find out more @

After you watch the video you will have some more insights how this great offering of YT Advantage will show you how to harness the power of YouTube to drive more traffic, leads and sales to your business advantage.

How To Market My Business

1 comment:

  1. Toward the end of 1918, Faysal established an Arab government in Damascus, Jordans for Cheap, with territory under his control including lands east of the Jordan River. The Allies, including the British, however, rejected Faysal's demand for independence across the Arab world, and, in response, the 1920 Conference of San Remo created two mandates, awarding the one over Palestine to Britain and the one over Syria to France. These mandates effectively separated the area now covered by Jordan and Israel from that of Syria. In November 1920, Abdullah rallied forces to attack the French, who had removed Faysal from the throne of his newly founded kingdom in Syria. By April 1921, however, the British, who had subsequently divided their mandate into Palestine and Transjordan, had persuaded Abdullah to become emir of Transjordan.

    Never losing sight of his vision for a unified Arab country covering most of the Arab Middle East, Abdullah gradually succeeded in loosening the grip of the British mandate over Transjordan. By the time the country had gained its independence in 1946, Abdullah was responsible for running the country in all areas except defense, finance, and foreign policy. Located north of the capital city of Amman, Jerash - as the city has been named since the end of the nineteenth century - is a beautifully preserved Roman city that formed part of the Decapolis, a commercial confederation of ten cities established by the Romans. Decapolis means "ten cities" in Greek. Spread over what is today northern Jordan, Syria, The New Jordans, and the area west of the Jordan River, these ten cities were linked by powerful commercial, political, and cultural interests.


Jake Simms
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